Friday, November 16, 2012

Funfetti Cookies for Incentive

Funfetti Cookies
About 20 cookies

This recipe was bopping around on Pinterest and I snagged up the repin. I made these as an incentive treat for Friday Freewrite Nummy Snack for my students. The cookies were easy and I could make a bunch quickly. When I made them, I tripled the recipe so that I would have enough cookies for everyone, plus co-workers, and my daughter and husband. They went over really well.

The Friday Freewrite Nummy Snack revolves around my students earning 4 points by the Friday of that week. They earn these points by having 2 out of 3 feathers left on their Turkey at the end of class. The feathers are lost if the class gets off task, are too loud, are not following directions, etc. They earn the feathers back by staying on task, keeping a reasonable volume, following directions, etc. I just silently add or remove the feathers. Then at the end of class, I allow a member of the class to draw a line next to their class name.

If they achieve the goal, I bring them in a nummy snack (preferably homemade) to enjoy while they work on their Friday Freewrite, which is their personal writing portion of their Friday class. They practice using the Writing Process. This was one of the items I made for the 2nd Quarter Friday Freewrite Nummy Snack Incentive. Poor Science class has to eat them at the beginning of the class before the lab if they earned it, at the end of the class if they earned it by the end of the class. Either way, the kids LOVE the idea and it keeps the class running a smooth as can be expected. This snack was great.

  • 1 box of Pillsbury Funfetti Cake Mix
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil

  1. Put all ingredients into a bowl and mix.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  3. Spray a baking sheet with Non-Stick Spray.
  4. Roll into about 1-inch balls and place on the baking sheet. About 10-12 per baking sheet.
  5. Bake for amount 8 minutes or until starting to brown around the edges. 
  6. Place on a cooling rack. Store in a sealed container or Ziploc bag.

Note: By my last batch of cookies, they were baking faster, so just keep an eye on them.

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